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  • Innovative Technology
Our breakthrough technology leverages virtual human twins to design biomaterial and biomechanical innovations. These innovations are optimized through AI to match each patient’s unique anatomical and physiological characteristics.

  • Personalized Implants
Our advanced AI algorithm considers tens of patient-specific parameters to fine-tune the implant design. Moving away from the ineffective "one size fits all" approach, we create implants that are uniquely tailored to each patient’s anatomy and physiology.

  • Superior Efficacy and Safety
By bioengineering implants to be highly compatible with individual patients, we deliver superior efficacy and safety. Our technology ensures that each implant is designed to provide the best possible outcomes, enhancing both the effectiveness and safety of surgical treatments.

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Innovation Powers Impact for Millions of Patients

Strategic Collaborations

With partners like Stanford University, Dassault Systems, and 3D printing leaders, we’ve developed core technology, built prototypes, and secured strong IP and regulatory advantages. These collaborations have helped us scale to industry leadership.

Advanced Biomaterials

Our proprietary biomaterial designs reduce infections and inflammatory reactions, integrating with regenerative medicine to accelerate healing and prevent recurrence.

Expertise and Experience

Combining over 100 years of expertise in female pelvic medicine, regenerative medicine, and orthopedics, we pave the way for safer, more efficient, and patient-centric surgical procedures. Our approach blends cutting-edge technology with deep medical knowledge to transform patient care.

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  • Personalized fit speeds surgery,  optimized compatibility
  • Proprietary biomaterial designs reduce infections and inflammatory reactions
  • Integration with regenerative medicine accelerates healing and prevents recurrence
  • Integration with regenerative medicine accelerates healing and prevents recurrence
  • Tightly coupled with training simulations that can accelerate onboarding physicians to new surgical protocols

*Ballard, David H., et al. “Medical 3D Printing Cost-Savings in Orthopedic and Maxillofacial Surgery: Cost Analysis of Operating Room Time Saved with 3D Printed Anatomic Models and Surgical Guides.” Academic Radiology, Elsevier, 18 Sept. 2019.


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Smartweave's Advanced Solutions

Smartweave's innovative implants and tools prevent common surgical issues like scarring, bleeding, and tissue damage. Training simulations accelerate physician onboarding, while rigorous modeling identifies and addresses complications.

Specialized Solutions

Implants for stress urinary incontinence reduce the high complication and failure rates, offering a valuable solution where no pharmacologic agents exist.

Custom devices for soft-tissue injuries, like ACL tears and rotator cuff injuries, ensure better integration and faster recovery by matching patient-specific attributes.

Enhanced hernia meshes improve biocompatibility and placement, preventing pain, infections, and chronic inflammation.